Design the Perfect Photogravure Print

Hourly rates for analog and digital consultations about polymer photogravure, creating custom ink and paper profiles, and custom proofing services. Buy a Retainer Package or Contract with us for additional savings. Call for details.

Custom Ink and Paper Profiling Services

Let Intaglio Editions design a custom workflow for your project! Send us your custom paper samples and files, and we will analyze your specified ink and paper media. From this we can derive and send you either an ICC printer profile tuned to your printer and media or custom plate profiles for photogravure printing using your ink and media of choice! One additional round of proofing and changes included at no extra charge. Additional time required for fine tuning may be billed at $150/hour.

Digital Creative Services by the Hour

Let us help you to craft the perfect digital file from your artwork to make the perfect photogravure print! We we can also guide you on the finer points of using Intaglio Editions plates in the studio for maximum quality. $150 per hour.

Photogravure Consulting by the Hour

We provide consultation services on the entire process -- from creating a digital file from your source images, to printing your final edition at the press. We can help guide you on the finer points of using Intaglio Editions plates in the studio for maximum photogravure quality. $150 per hour.

Digitizing Artwork

Let Intaglio Editions professionally scan or rephotograph your artwork for transfer to polymer plate! Cost covers digitization by either high-resolution flatbed scan, or rephotography in 16bit 24MP for optimal tone and sharpness. One hour of professional retouching included. Any additional time required for retouching may be billed at $150/hour.

Work for Hire: Day Rate Packages

Save BIG on our hourly rates by purchasing studio time by the day to have your prints custom printed by our expert staff to your proofed specifications. Plates may be purchased separately with a preferred customer discount applied.

$800.00 USD

$99.00 Instalační poplatek
Digital Inkjet Proofing

We create 2-3 different variations of your piece and print it as an inkjet for review and approval as a "soft" BAT from which we base your first Intaglio proof. Price includes 2-way, FedEx Ground shipping.

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